Casio Watch with Bluetooth (nrf52832) Part 3

Casio Watch with Bluetooth (nrf52832) Part 3


The new programmer arrived, along with the realization that they won't fix the problem. The issue was not only did I fry the last couple of processors with 5V signals (arduino UNO), but the factory new chips come with protection on the debug access port. This means the chip needs a programmer that can access that, which the STLink cannot. I read online that the genuine JLinks should work, but I also stumbled on how to use the raspberry pi as a programmer. I had previously searched for this exactly, but I suppose my google terms were not correct enough. Either way, installing openocd on the pi and wiring up my new board to the correct GPIO headers did the trick and I was able to disable the protection. Only temporarily, though, because a power cycle would re-set the protection. The solution according to google is to flash a program with the protection disabled, but doing so resulted in a bricked chip for me. I also accidentally provided 5V instead of 3 for a split second (touched the wrong jumper). I'm certain I will need to solder my last chip, but I will also try to confirm why flashing a program which worked on the module in part 1 bricked this board.

Oh, also the dev board no longer gets recognized by the IDE. I'm not sure why, but attempting to use it as a programmer caused the large chip on it to overheat. It still shows up as a segger device, but isn't recognized by the IDE regardless.

I should have expected to run into issues but it still hurts because most of this could have been avoided if I knew what I do now, but such are most projects. The most significant difference between hardware and software, however, is that I never burned anything physical with a program.